যীশু উজ্জ্বল এবং উজ্জ্বল আলো, ন্যায়ের সূর্য

Jesus' transfiguration

“And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.” (Revelations 1:16) The seven stars represent the ministry responsible for delivering Christ’s revelation message to the seven churches; as plainly stated by Christ himself a … বিস্তারিত পড়ুন

সাতটি চার্চ - গসপেল দিবসের সাত দিন

এশিয়ার সাতটি চার্চ

The seven churches of Asia mentioned in Revelations 1- 3 (like the Epistles to the various churches located in: Rome, Corinth, Galatia, Ephesus, etc.) were actual congregations of the church of God at that time. But, like the Epistles, the message to the seven Churches was also intended for many others to hear, understand, and … বিস্তারিত পড়ুন

ঈশ্বরের সিংহাসনের সামনে সাতটি আত্মা

একটি গ্রামের উপর সূর্যের রশ্মি

“He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.” (Revelation 3:22) There is an echo coming from Jesus himself that has been heard now seven times. No other place do we have record of the direct words of Jesus being repeated exactly the same way seven times, except in these … বিস্তারিত পড়ুন

যীশু খ্রীষ্টের প্রকাশ
